10 DISTINCT RULES ALL STUDENTS GUNNING FOR ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE THIS NEW YEAR SHOULD ABIDE BY: By: F. Gboyega 1. Attend and listen to lectures - you solve about half of your academic problems by doing this alone. 2. Take every assessment seriously - these little successes compound (the little failures too). Start every semester with your best foot forward. 3. Commit to investing time and money to learning more about learning this year - you need these competitive advantages. 4. Participate brilliantly, act accordingly and ask intelligent questions intelligently during lectures - lecturers acknowledge students that make them feel heard. 5. Procrastinate all you want but never be stupid enough to flout critical deadlines. The most potent antidote to procrastination is getting things done almost immediately. 6. Limit your associations with students committed to academic mediocrity - they're a pest to the spirit of excellence. ...