10 things you must know/do as a fresher in Edo State Polytechnic, Usen

Edo State Polytechnic, Usen is located in Usen community, Benin City. The name was changed from the institute of management and technology during the regime of Prof Abiodun Falodun who happens to pilot the affair of the polytechnic in 2018-2022.
As a new student of Edo State Polytechnic, Usen you need to know the following:

1. The community housing the polytechnic is called Usen community and earlier before now, traditional practices is dominance in the community and though external religion such as Christianity and Islam reduces some of these practices however, Usen community has not eradicated some of these practices. We would let you know some of the do's and don't in our next post.

2. Edo State Polytechnic, Usen is one among the polytechnics who offer exceptional courses such crime management, pharmaceutical technology, and many other courses which would be listed in our next update.

3. New students are meant to attend the school orientation programmes organised either by the school management or by the Student Union Government. The orientation programmes enlightens the students to know many of the school and societal ordinances, rules and regulations which enable them to live peacefully both within and  outside the school premises.

4. Physical clearance is very important for all freshers. New students are meant to submit a physical copy of their documents inside a brown file and submit them in exams and records  and department immediately they resume. It is advisable to make the submission immediately they resume inorder to reduce their workload during lectures.

5. Online clearance: students are meant to do online clearance before they can be enable to pay their tuition and exams fee. Online clearance enables students to upload their details online such as affidavits of good conducts, affidavit of non membership of cultism, admission acceptance letter, affidavit of local government of origin, guarantor's form and birth certificate and waec result if the need be. Students can upload this documents by themselves, through the school ICT, or contact Shalomupdatez via WhatsApp or call 07062068655. Watch out to our next post as we give you tips on how to upload your documents on your portal by yourself.

6. New students are entitled to their library and school ID card. The ID card is the identity card that can be used to recognized you anywhere as a bonafide student of the polytechnic. You can get your ID card from the ICT merely by the submission of your details such as full name , matic number, medical payment slip, payment history, name of department.

Pls stay tune as we drop the concluding part soon.

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