My first 14days in Edo State Polytechnic Usen.

*ETHICS AND JUSTICE (My first 14days at Edo State Polytechnic)

"Experience is the best teacher... it teaches you what you don't know." I was warned by a coursemate who seems to be an erudite, that had experience alot with the average knowledge about the dos and don't of the land, but my zeal for justice and the ethics of my discipline made me to show a lackadaisical attitude towards his counsel. "A journalist to be must be objective, fair, and must not be bias or subject to intimidation in his report, I am the voice of the people, and the person with the voice." I retorted 

My cab zoomed into the school noble town where I anticipated to see when I was still at my comfort zone. I alighted from the cab, at the front of the Polytechnic gate where alot of activities go on. Prior to my emergence to the school gate, I have been an optimist ruminating on how my new school will look like whether like an advance secondary school, or my normal secondary school where I was gifted a graduation gown in 2014/2015, I don't know. I was aided by a bike man to my hostel that evening.

Few days after my emergence to the noble Polytechnic, one of my course mates reported a case to me, on how the Land-Lord of Joking hostel maltreated two students of Edo State Polytechnic. I developed much interest on the report and cumbered myself with reposition journalism to dig to the depth of head and tail of the occurrences. 

After gathering much facts on the matter, I got to know that the students who were the victims paid a sum of fifty six thousands to the care taker of the house, but he refuse to deliver the money to the Land-Lord. The Land-Lord came to confirm the payments of every tenants, but the names of the two students were found void in the Land-Lord register. I stead of holding the care-taker responsible, the land lord did otherwise by sponsoring rascal and touts from the community to break into the doors of the tenants and pack out their properties.

When the report got to me about the nonchalant and unethical attitude of the landlord, I became sad, and I decided to publish the news. I went to the hostel to interview the victims, but the land Lord was not at my reach because his residence was far from the hostel where the incidence took place. The receipt issued to the two students was snapped, which was part of the pictures I feature in my news story.

After much investigation and much facts gathered on the occurrence, I put together the news and forward it to divers groups in the institution. I forward it to the SUG president which they promise to have a sitting concerning the matter. Though the case has been aforetime reported at a police station in Okada, but with the publication of my news, the SUG and second in command to the King of Usen community intervened and ordered the students to pack into their lodge without paying any dine.

The climax of the story is that rumours started circulating that some guys from the institution, confronted my class representative, questioning him on why he published such a news, but he denied and told them it was published by Mighty Shalom. I was a bit scared remembering what one of my course mates told me saying;  "Shalom, be careful, this community is a dangerous zone, they may come after you whenever you give a report against some of their wrong acts. I later summoned courage when a lecturer of mine taking us "introduction to Mass Communication" by name Mr Uyi, shared a brief story on how some journalists suffered and were martyred for the sake of the truth they report or punished.

Though the intimidation from the community boys was my tough experience in the school, but I had other pleasurable experiences. As the first four weeks I got to relate with may of my coursemates, make friends with them, and also know the names of my lecturers. We were bombarded with alot of assignments which kept me restless both day and night, most especially from our Intro to News Writing And Reporting lecturer Mr Victor. As an hostelite, I enjoy adequate electricity and water unknowing to me, that the school authority was just doing a welcome party for us before moving back to their epileptical way of supplying water and electricty.  My first four weeks left me with mix feelings, though I got answers to many of my secondary school imaginative questions.


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