Lecture on the remembrance of Mrs Osayamabo
Set goals that are beyond your reach then you will reach your reach.
Have a mentor... Don't feel you are free , absolute freedom is risky.
Let someone be a covering un der your dream, there is no genius anywhere.
Chose your friend wisely, walk with friends that is one of the best. If you align yourself with people of your kindz you will act like your kind. If the blind leads the blind they will both fall into pit.
Integrity... C S luris defines integrity as doing the right things where no one is, in the absence of those that can hold you accountable... Integrity means your are reliable. Take responsibility for all your actions.
For Everytime you failed, accept it as your fault in order to be make amendment. Whatever you know, you know. Intergrity without knowledge and useless and knowledge without integrity is nothing says Samuel . G
Respect the institutional policies.Be ready to work, respect other people's opinions.
In looking for qualities to employ persons into office, consider the followings:
Refuse to compromise.
Integrity, intelligence and energy if they don't have the first, they may cause catastrophy. Lauren Buffett
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