Inhabitants of Usen community in Edo State run for their lives as timber lorry break fails along the market road/Edo State Polytechnic road

Marketers and students narrowly escaped death as a timber lorry break fails along Usen market/Edo State Polytechnic Usen, Edo State

According to a source, "there is no lost of lives and the cause of the break failure is not what I can really explain, but it just happen suddenly that we saw the heavily loaded timber lorry descending with a very high speed along the market road. The driver shouted to alert the other road users, to escape for their lives".

Another source further explained saying, "While the lorry was descending speedily with reverse around 12pm in the afternoon, two bikers trying to escape for their lives had a clash but they quickly leave their bikes and run for their lives, which cause the timber lorry to crush one of the bikes along the road".

Both the marketers and the students  express the way they narrowly escaped death.


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