Great Nigeria Students, Great!
A blogger, KUTI SOLOMON SULEMAN p.k.a Mighty Shalom has declared his ambition for SUG P.R.O under team CICERO in the upcoming SUG election in Edo State Polytechnic Usen.
He noted that his ambition to vie for the he post of P.R.O is propelled by the passion and love he has towards his fellow students in the institution. I'm one od his write-up concerning his campaign, he stated that;
"I present to you this morning Mighty Shalom, a popular blogger in ESPU, the once interim president of Association Of Campus Journalists in ESPU, the Voice of Many, the first student to sponsor a female for departmental president in Mass Communication Department, a humanitarian and passionate image builder, one whose eloquence has given room to relate with elites both within the institution and outside school setting, a student from the department of mass communication who is aspiring for the post of P.R.O in SUG."
"Inorder to verify his profile visit his blog"
"VOTE for an agent of transformation who is vying under team CICERO, by name; KUTI SOLOMON SULEMAN P.KA. MIGHTY SHALOM."
"VOTE FOR ALL UNDER THE TRANSFORMATIVE TEAM CICERO. We have been well scrutinized and approved."
"We are the voice of the students and we are the students with the voice."
"You (students) are the power we need to function in our great capacity."
"Aluta continua, Victoria ascerta.๐ช๐ช๐ช"
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