11 Amazing Fact To Entertain You
BY Fifipedia Academy
0. Muhammad is thought to be the most popular name in the world. About 150 million people in he world bear the name.
1. In the olden days, the only means of transport for most people was by foot. People regularly trekked from Ekiti to Lagos for trade. And it took them only four days. If we are to trek for three miles now, we have to take an ambulance along
2. Hair and nails grow faster during pregnancy. (God, when☺️)
3. High heels were originally worn by men. "The Persian wore inch-high heels as a sign of royalty and upper class. (I'm thinking of wearing it to church tomorrow☺️☺️)
4. You typically only breathe out of one nostril at a time. Every few hours, the active nostril will take a break and the other one will take over until they ultimately switch back again. Try it for yourself!
5. Abraham Lincoln's bodyguard left his post at Ford's Theatre to go for a drink. It was during this time that an assassin entered the box seats where Lincoln was sitting and shot the president.
6. Your liver can regrow itself in three weeks.
7. Albert Einstein was offered the Presidency of Israel when it was formed, but he declined
8. Th servants of ancient Egyptian rulers hated the ruler’s death more than anyone else. This is because the servants and animals of the rulers would be buried alive in the tomb with the ruler as well
9. Do you know rainbows also happen at night when the moon is bright? It is called moonbow
10. Wounds were treated with maggots in the olden days. Wounds present on the body if infested with maggots, hold greater chances of healing in quick time. The possibility of infection and spread of gangrene is reduced to a great extent by the presence of maggots.
11. The sun is so big that One million Earths could fit inside the sun!
Which one entertained you the most?
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